MSF Survey Dictionaries

There are four MSF survey dictionaries available:

  • Retrospective mortality and access to care (“Mortality”)
  • Malnutrition (“Nutrition”)
  • Vaccination coverage long form (“Vaccination_long”)
  • Vaccination coverage short form (“vaccination_short”)

You can read more about the survey dictionaries at

Retrospective mortality and access to care (“mortality”)

Variables in the dictionary

The Mortality dictionary contains definitions for 174 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.

Malnutrition (“nutrition”)

Variables in the dictionary

The Nutrition dictionary contains definitions for 27 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.

Vaccination Coverage (“vaccination_long” or “Vaccination_short”)

Variables in the dictionary

There are two Vaccination dictionaries - a long form and a short form.
The Vaccination long dictionary contains definitions for 106 variables:

The Vaccination short dictionary contains definitions for 38 variables:

Option codes

The dictionaries are exported using option codes that can be translated to human-readable format. This table shows how they are translated.

For vaccination long:

For vaccination short:

Exploring the dictionaries

You can explore the excel-formatted dictionaries with browseURL(system.file("extdata", "MSF-survey-dict.xlsx", package = "epidict")), but treat it as read-only.